Coping with Life’s Daily Stressors Without Sacrificing Your Health

It’s funny that I am writing this blog the last two weeks of my kids’ school year.  May is full so many precious moments I wouldn’t change for anything, but it is an absolute. Scheduling. Nightmare.  Three-hour sports banquets, teachers’ appreciation, and, of course, looking for the library book that has been lost for three months so that you can get junior’s report card.  And, ice cream donations, early dismissals, prom, prom dresses, prom tickets, prom melt downs. 

Not to mention you have to fit in your normal work, carpool, and life’s unexpected like DOT work on the bridge, where you lose even more time you do not have.  Sigh.  Dinner, bath, bed, French homework, you finally get to bed, only the wheels are still turning. Your internal dialogue: “Did I pay the mortgage? Did I take the ground chicken out of the freezer?”

Did I sign up junior up for camp? Medical release, Physicals for next fall, forms for intention of activities for next fall.  (Really?). The to-do list is endless, and therefore, the stress is as well.

All of this is pertinent to me, the ever-stressful reality of my family’s timeline the last two weeks of every school year (daughter 15, Son 12).  I also remember the years, (yes, years) of sleep deprivation from raising the littles.  I was an older mom of younger kids so I think the sleep thing hit me a little harder than most. Graduate school, professional career, start up practice on a shoe string—you get the idea.

Don't get me wrong, I am very grateful for all the opportunities and experiences I have been afforded.  However, in modern American culture, we want it all and then don't understand why we are so tired.  Sure, let’s eat crap, drink diet cokes, skip breakfast and go like a house on fire all day long and wonder why our bodies break down. 

We all have stress, but there is a difference between stress that comes and goes and significant unhealthy stress symptoms that, if ignored, can do serious damage to your system over time.

Do you have these?

·         ALWAYS have projects lined up, things to get done.

·         NEVER have time for yourself.

·         You regularly don’t get enough sleep or rest.

·         You don’t have enough time nor motivation for consistent exercise.

·         You feel like you are not accomplishing your life’s purpose.

One of the things I love about what I do is I get to help people that are struggling with the same issues I have had to overcome myself.  I used to (and sometimes still do) suffer from what I call Adult Onset ADD.   I didn't have trouble as a kid, I have trouble as an adult.  I noticed this as a "young mom.”

First, let me tell you, that, NO - you are not crazy.

Second, YES - there is help and you can feel better

I have an active patient right now, mother of twin 2-year-olds and a 4-year-old. I love the first visit, these mom are all over the place.  Trying to get a direct answer from the history is comical, but even my front office can see the progression and the extreme "calming" effect of the proper nutritional support, balance of diet and addressing the "stress.”  

Husbands are really happy too--they get the woman they married back. 

If this sounds like you, call the Holistic Wellness Center today for your free consultation! I can help!  912-235-2968.